Sunday, August 29

Exam mood

29/8/2010(Sunday) Although exam will be held on Wednesday onwards.. but I already 'set' it as EXAM MOOD! lol :) No gathering/farewell held for Munyi in this morning. because munyi want going back to London tomorrow morning~ NOT my fault ooo :) NOT I throw aeroplane :) Answer~ 'dang da..' lol MUNYI was not free because had breakfast with her grandmother~ So Papparich @ breakfast with Raquel n Munyi didn't on~ Sob Anywhere wish munyi all the best~ Cough 'ehem ehem..' it becomes better la but stil 'ehem..ehem..' So mom made something for me.. thx! :) Its a drink~ JUST Lo Han Guo! "3 bowls of water boil to become 1 bowl" lol :) Its so SPECIAL~ Abit sweet BUT taste bitter! @@
Saw something @ newspaper Its so meaningful! :) Nice,right?
~All the best for my exam on Wed-Mon~

Saturday, August 28

Waitin' for PT2

28/8/2010 Saturday Its damn tired day! Felt sleepy felt tired. EMO Maybe read book until @@ ? Maybe PT2 is coming soon ? Maybe so worried bout my exam ? Maybe Maybe Maybe.. Sis Trial was over but my exam coming soon @@ damn fast,right? 'Time,I need you! Please don't go so rush' Just came back from outside due to my sis. fetch her. lol She got BBQ near KB's field.. damn syok! Such a long time didn't BARBECUE dy~ I'm waitin' for you I'm waitin' for you~~ FOR u~~ People countdown Independence day but I countdown for exam. lol @@ Hope can do more better than PT1 :) Friends,add oil together! :) _End_

Vampires suck

27/8/2010 Friday Its Selangor's Holiday! *Struggling for my exam right now. Peng,gambateh* Although the PT2 exam is coming soon.. 1st Sept-6th Sept (so scared for my PT2 next week seriously no kidding) BUT I still hang out. haha *Except nin be a good girl :) Vampires suck is a comedy bout contemporary teen angst n romance movie. Its bout vampires teen n non-vampires teen Its a comedy! funny :) but I much PREFER Twilight saga! =P There's so many DIFFERENCES between Vampires suck with TWILIGHT SAGA! I like TWILIGHT SAGA la! Chloe invited me going for movie last Thursday but finally we didn't go. Then we decided to go for Friday. Okay let make it short. Time was important for me now! My car's 'hei you'~ its time for renew. *黑油* dad drove so i no car use. lol :) 1145am chloe came to fetch me then went to The curve. *Such a long perioddddddddddd Didn't sit chloe's car since I drove to school myself. Be chloe's passenger hahaha (^^) Reached there around 1205pm then we went for requesting online-TICKETS n paid la. *Chloe booked online* After that went to KIM GARY enjoy our lunch. I ate chicken soup mee but chloe ate 101 bowl rice. (if not mistaken la) *No 5% discount due to public hols in selangor. damn! ==||| *Look carefully! Chloe's drink got a 'smile' :) haha
115pm finished our lunch 120pm went to e-curve cineleisure for VAMPIRES SUCK movie. DIFFERENCES (Vs.) 1. Cullen vs Sullen (Twilight-Cullen but Vampires suck-Sullen) == funny 2. Contact lens' color for Cullen Family vs Sullen Family lol (Prefer Cullen) 3. Alice Cullen vs Alice Sullen (Alice Cullen more prettier than Sullen) 4. Cullen Family's house vs Sullen (Cullen more yeng lol^^) 5. YELLOW Sport car belongs to Alice (I like yellow sport car @ twilight la! envy) etc. (its too mucccc so lazy to mention haha) All the above JUST my own opinion. Don't misunderstood ya! (^^) Enjoying the movie although its not so nice (Just my own opinion) (^^) BECAUSE it don't have my real EDWARD! hahaha =P I'm Team Edward! *Robert Pattinson* :) After movie then we went to POPULAR because I wanted to buy pens for exam-used. BEFORE back we went to SONY STYLE's service centre. Chloe needed to take back her 'laopo'-LAPTOP :) 345pm+ we went back. Bye. Reached home safely @ 4pm+ Noon 'K book' n TV Night Homemade pizza by my gugu. Pizzas as my dinner! Great! :) I like it so muccccc! It tastes yummy! awesome! Look nice,right? (Okay la) Its taste 'beh pai' ooo! haha^^ Yum..Yum..Yum
Midnight K book again due to cant sleep lol :) K book alone @ living room *so scary because its so quiet.. noiseless* Luckily got ONEFM accompanied me :) [Onefm,you're my no.1] _End_

Thursday, August 26


22/8-26/8/10 Day after karaoke,I've got a cold! Sob who call me bath @ 1205am++ midnight~ Not Hot shower.Its cold shower! I know.. its my fault~ Sunday Just a small case.. just got a cold n abit headache.. felt more better after consume PANADOL ACTIVFAST. Monday Cant sleep well due to COUGH. Tuesday I couldn't stop coughing! its so scaring. Cough during audit class~ Cough till cry! its really! (my 1st time) Cant concentrate what lecturer teach! My throat was so painful! Wednesday All of us didn't go MORAL class! We're PONTENG. lol :) Stayed @ home~ Felt more better after take medicine BUT cough again @ night~ so daddy called me to drink a small cup of 'jiao su'-organic enzyme made by dad.. DRINK B4 sleeping Thursday Now felt more better but still got cough n got phlegm when one coughs! DISGUSTING! Hate it! Phlegm was so disgusting la~ made me go toilet so MANY TIMES! @@ Color of phlegm was abit yellow green n more in white! Yuckkkkkkk!! Had TAXATION class later HOPE I wont cough like hell! Sob~ p/s:“对于那些不常生病的人,一旦生病起来,一定是很严重的” Agree! Like me! lol

Tuesday, August 24

Judgment day

23/8/2010 Its CAT n ACCA's judgment day! ~Judgment day=Final results release day~ from United kingdom For those who are sitting for June'10 CAT n ACCA exam then they'll get their results *included me* Waiting was a long long longgggg period.. BUT Getting results was JUST A FEW MINUTES almost 5mins.. Day b4 monday (Sunday) OMG! Can't even sleep well la! Its so worried n nervous about my results.. This was the 1st time getting result by online checking! The previous of the papers were T1 n T2.. T1~ exempted T2~ PASS (due to CBE-Multiple choice questions so can get result on the spot!) The papers that I took last semester was T3,T4,T5,T6 T3,T4,T6~ not so worried about them~ but T5 the most difficult n not confident at all~ *I was so scaredddd* If not mistaken,I slept @ 2am+ then woke up @530am~ As a result.. I didn't sleep well la! tired,man~ Judgment day 23/8/10 I had class start from 8am till 530pm~ Really MONDAY BLUE la! @@ I think most of us were so scared for our results! lol :) including me la~ haha Nin n me were worried bout T5~ but she sure get good marks although.. (^^) but i wasn't! seriously! T8 lecturer was so nervous tooooooooooooooooooooo hahahaha! BECAUSE T8 for last semester was damn difficult! T8's Lecturers said "there'll be a high probability many candidates will fail" so there'll be many candidates re-sit the paper again.. pity la Its truth.. My friend's friend was so worried bout the result.. Heard from Joanna, its a candidate cried @ exam hall during the T8 exam! Oh my god! shocked man! Let me cut it short~ T8 class @ 8am-11pm~ most of us were not concentrate @ lecture! haha(^^) *including me too* Its time for checking our result! 'Gan jiong'~~ [View June 2010 exam results –available Mon 23 August 2010 05:00 BST] according to my friend,@ M'sia, we can receive the result @ 12pm M'sia time! Lunch @ 11am-1145am Next class will be on 1145am-245pm~ but 4 of us were PONTENG for half an hour! hehe funny,right? We went to library for checking our RESULTS! Wow! I saw some of them (candidates of CAT n ACCA) were waitin' @ there already! OMG! faster than us! geng! lol (^^) Library was damn FULL laaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Expected already la! Yes! Get a empty seat for using computer! Loading for the page of ACCA.. 'bop bok bop bok..' my heartbeat??!! Wth! @@ scared my T5 la wei.. Result arr result arr dont make me disappointed la wei.. I can't afford for re-sit la Nin was the 1st for checking! All pass! Congrat (^^) Gui Gui was the 2nd for checking! All pass! Got 100 marks! Congrat (^^) (gui gui will be the m'sian prize n world prize winner! For sure!) p/s:No one get 100% b4 for T6 according my lecturer! Gui gui is the one! congrat Its my turn! 'bop bok bop bok..''bop bok bop bok..' Loading for the page Loading.. loading.. loading.. ..Loading.. ..Loading..
T3-87% T4-77% T5-67% T6-86%
Its MY RESULT! my result!! my result!!! *Not show off * I'm not the best! seriously. Yes Yes Yes! I pass my T5 paper! Really! I didn't see wrong,right? keep asking gui gui n nin~ too high! p/s~ *I scared la! really! Got 2 questions were really not confidence at all!* *Essay questions not MCQ,MCQ was easy than Essay question* Last..its joanna's turn! She also PASS! Yeah! Congrat (^^) Joanna n I were so excited because we're PASS! She so scared bout the paper.. She thought she will fail.. but she PASS! PASS! :) T7 class now.. we came in class late.. hahahaha! but so what! hahahaha(^^) RESULT was IMPORTANT la! :) Some of them already used their iphone checking their results! Some of them SENGAJA brought their laptop for checking results! lol My beloved T7 lecturer was so niceeeeee.. gave us early break for checking result.. BUT we checked dy! (^^) Received message from T3,T5 lecturers! Omg! They were so 'nervous' to know bout OUR RESULT! hahaha! T5 lecturer~ Jack jack~ Macbook's lecturer! Thx your lecture! I PASS! (^^) T3 lecturer~ Ms yiong~ I was so sorry cant get a better marks.. Thx your lecture too! *Passing marks just a NUMBER!* geng~ I heard this sentence for X-times dy! but PASS = no re-sit! lol

Monday, August 23

Karaoke Part 3

21/8/2010 continue.. Continued our karaoke session! The time was around 8.30++ So we went to 'book' the songssss that want to sing! If not mistaken..Sumi sang a song before she leave us~ Before Sumi leave,we took pictures togethers.. While waiting our songsss we went to play 'deng deng gei'~ lol (^^) there was a snooker table beside the 'deng deng gei'~ Snooker~ I still remember my sifu la its JUN KANG! lol (^^) ~SS-picturess for 4 of us~ Onefm, you're my no.1! wahahaha (^^) Yam Seng....... Yam seng!!!! Ice n Lemon Tea! Like it,move it! XD "Chloe,an no no~ open your mouth la~" *爱不疚* -我的最爱 “~放手 放开所有 彼此更自由 放手 其实我绝非爱的不疚~” *匿名的好友* -我们唱的最后一首歌 “~不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友 其实我的执着依然执着 与你无关泪自行吸收~” Its time to say SAYONARA! XD 1035pm Said bye-bye to others winners~ ~Leave Amp square~ I n Nin had a photo session with Volkwagen bu bu car! lol (^^) Its damn nice la! (mean the bu bu car) XD Goodies bag from Onefm n Amp Square 1139pm reached home~ wow! dad n mom slept dy~ lol (^^) Just sis was waiting for me.. Had a bath before sleeping~ but I took a cold shower! @@ DAMN cold la! @@ I was so scared becauseeee 7th Lunar! No heater @ another bathroom because daddy n mom slept dy so... haiz Unfortunately.. I get sick.. Just get cold la~ In the next day~ Sunday~ I felt so dizzy.. dizzy.. @@ Can't even blogging.. Omg! My body was getting weak n weak.. Old dy la lol p/s~I 'threw aeroplane' due to 'GOT SING K,NO Yamcha'~ So apologize~ I won't do that again! XD _End_

Sunday, August 22

Karaoke Part 2

21/8/2010 continue.. Lets welcome our 1st group *Nin n Potato* They sang a song *宽恕* Nin acted as MALE voice while Potato acted as FEMALE voice Nin~ Your voice was so low la.. Potato was dy TUTUP your voice.. Potato~ Your voice was so .. (Don't how to describe dy) Had a small awards ceremony after each round's competition..
Lets welcome 'Chloe's biscuit' n Lucas! Yeah! yoyoyo! They sang a song *离开地球表面* Omg! Lucas was so excited! hahahahaha! Chloe,lets fight with him! Its so high la! *Its Jen's song but she didn't come~ sob sob* I felt so pity to CHLOE la~ BECAUSE Lucas lol! wahahahaha! Nevermind! There'll be a WONDERFUL memoriessssssssss to chloe,right? Dont forget YOUR Partner! Lol XD Lucas was so extremely highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! @@ but I like it! This 1 called the feel when singing *离开地球表面*! Jump! Jump!
~3rd round~ 大合唱-接力唱-*劲歌金曲* Loon's song @@ Such a longggggggggggggggg songggggggggg! but I didn't feel it! BECAUSE we're so high while singing so didn't realize! Had a photo session after 3 rounds-competition~ And we all looked like STARS hahahaha! Kd la XD because there was so many camerassssssssssssssss! (^^)
Oya 4 of us also took a picture with onefm lucas n sumi! Its time to say bye-bye(Lucas) @ 800pm++ Said bye-bye to Lucas~ He wants to go Perhentian Island later~ Syok! envy la Sumi still BE WITH US~ *Game started from 6-8pm but we can sing until 11pm* Until don't what time she also said byebye to us dy~ Then we still continued singing~ STILL NOT ENOUGH for me! I didnt sing enough la~
will be continue..

Karaoke Part 1

21/8/2010 Saturday It'll be a verbose or long-winded article~ ~need to consume your some time to look through~ (^^) 435pm started to pick up them~ 1st~chloe,2nd~nin,3rd~potato~ Okay..its time for starting the journey! Move it! (^^) 510pm on the way (LDP) to Sunway pyramid! (I apologize that I were late almost 20 minutes to fetch u guys ya due to my personal reason) 535pm still on the way to Sunway~ I were so worried la because the register time la! Register time was between 530pm to 545pm! How?! LDP was so many carssssssssssssssssssssssss la! So cant move fast~ sob my estimation for the journey was WRONG! damn! @@ 543pm reached Sunway Pyramid! After parking then I straight away rushed to Amp Square! Chiu~ @@ still early la wei! 555pm went inside the KARAOKE ROOM! OMG! Chloe's estimation was CORRECT! All the 5 winners will be grouped together in a room! Oh my god! Such a bigggggggggggg karaoke room that I didn't go b4! Karaoke room with a biggggggggg screen & Tv & Snooker & 'deng deng gei'! Awesomeeeeeeeeeeee la! Okay~ It's so nervous la when i walked into the room! I was the first one! Got a video camera spot us! Yerrrrr @@ Slowly slowly~~ walked inside the room~ I saw Onefm Lucas n Sumi! okay! don't be so long-winded la! straight to the point,right?~ Waiting for the late fellow! so i photographed my 1st picture! "Chloe,Nin,Potato,Cheese!~"
Onefm Sumi n Lucas said~ 'There'll be a 3 rounds-competition later!' walao A! Shocked man! Can't believable! Oh my god~ Calm down~ The leader will be choose for your members to FIGHT with other groups! haha! Its me! Leader! Yes! :) 1st round~ 各组2位代表合唱; 2nd~ 各组1位代表和Sumi/Lucas合唱; 3rd~一起接力唱 Competition will be start after 20 minutes later~ So we went for buffet dinner 1st.. Wow! Sushi! My fav! Like it! Move it! :) while eating, we also had chit chat a lot.. Then for warming up our BODY, Potato n a guys sang a song~屋顶-吴宗宪 1st round~ Yeah! Clap our handssssssss welcome Nin jie n Potato! *宽恕* 2nd round~ Lets welcome 'Chloe biscuit' n Lucas! *离开地球表面* 3rd round~ *劲歌金曲-古巨基*

Saturday, August 21

Sis PMR Trial

Lets chill out! wohoo~ (^^) actually i just can chill myself for this few day.. no more relaxing life for next week.. because my PT2's coming soon.. it'll be more harder than PT1.. + my results for PT1 were damn bad.. (left than 2 weeks for preparation PT2) My life during these 3 days~ Thursday Such a relaxing day for ME! No class! Can stay @ home! :) Okay..but I need to be someone's driver.. lol Its my sister~ she wants to back home earlier for revising subjects~ BECAUSE its her Trial Exam for PMR! Wahaha! I already said bye-bye to PMR for longgggggg time agoooooooo! (^^) Anyway.. I hope she can score high marks! get flying color! support! Lunch after picked my sis.. @ Manjalara ate western food there @ RM4.90 (didn't eat it for a longgggg time!) I gobbled my food! coz I'm hungry la! hahaha! 'Durians meal' AGAIN.. Dad bought Durians!! D24! Yeah! Its 2nd time for 'Durians Meal'! Durians as my dinner.. lol :) damn full la wei.. Friday Be driver for sister.. Actually i were so lazyyyyyy to fetch her.. lazy to change cloths la.. lol but if I fetch her then someone can accompany me for lunch n dinner or whatever.. hahaha! so good, right? (^^) *If just me alone,I'll 'da bao'.. better stay @ home makan~ Today.. we went to POKEMON for lunch~ *1st time for my LITTLE sister! haha!* Saturday Its today.. be driver for my beloved sis & mom! she got Replacement class for Hari Raya.. Yeah! its so excited for tonight! :) bye.. *Want to say STOP for myself! for FACEBOOK's game! Addicted! Tempted by the FB's game..

Friday, August 20

Tapper Cafe

*English version~Its late post @ here* 17/8/2010 (Tuesday) with Chloe n Nin A day full of 38! such a memorable day!didn't expect it! I went class as usual la but different was-went with nin & chloe.. (Its my turn to be driver for this week lol) Its morning class till 530pm(due to PUASA if not it'll be 615) Don't even expect we can reach home earlier!! Impossible! Although its PUASA period but LDP won't let us go so easy! lolz Really! LDP.. fast(for not working time/day) but JAM(normal day like this)! == its so disgusting! (because it happened almost everyday) @@ Due to the traffic jam was so terrible! S-T-U-C-K @ Sunway to Kelana Jaya almost 1 and half an hour?! terrible,right? We're so hungry right now! @6.45pm! Finally, we decided to have a dinner 1st after that back home! Yohoo! Its time for think about the PLACE for dinner! Chloe introduced a place @ PJ to us.. called "Wai Shek Gai"! As a result,it'll be our destination for dinner! Yeah! Hungry la wei! Chloe lead the way, I just follow. (^^) On the way.. actually it happened many amusing incident! lolz *Didn't state @ 38geng blog! wahaha! so shame la! FIRST Its time for turning RIGHT hand side but I put a LEFT hand side turn! wahaha! I said "Ya.I know,turn right." but finally I didn't?!! *I didn't know what am I doing that moment!Maybe I was 'fang kong'?! haha SECOND I thought I already turned on the FRONT BIG LIGHT but I just turned 1 times?! so just turned on small LIGHT only! wahaha! Funny? Shame la.. *I just realised when I moved my car nearly to the car infront! So stupid la! My FIRST time arghhhhhhhhhhhhh! Reached the destination..called JAYA ONE @ PJ Its my first time! wow! Such a HIGH CLASS place from its building's design! There's so many famous cafe n restaurant.. The weird thing's-this also called 'Wai Shek Gai'??!! We misunderstood the meaning of Wai Shek Gai! hahaha Finally.. we chose TAPPER CAFE for dinner! Design's so unique (but quite same with Full house) Price's okay n reasonable.. AND 10% for student! Had a seat n made an order.. Didn't realise that we sat @ table no.38! Haha! Its time for taking pictures! Love photography but didn't bring camera.. *Camera had a better effect than hp! So just used Chloe's hp! It's 8 megapixel! So okay la. Foods coming.. yeah! started our dinner! After finished our dinner, we paid bill.. wow! its RM38.00! Awesome! Around 8pm we leave Tapper Cafe.. Bye.. ~More pictures @ 38geng blog/my facebook-38geng album~ p/s:Special cafe la! like it! Hope can go again next time with 38geng!

Thursday, August 19


吓倒我了啦 吓到我说不出话来,还停顿了几秒啊!真丢脸!哈哈! 19/8/2010 Thursday “Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby Nothing on you, baby” 我的手机竟然在这段时间响起!541pm!是谁啊?咪? 当要接起那通电话的当儿,看到那个电话号码,我傻眼了几下下! 03-7710xxxx 我很肯定不是我的妈咪!是onefm吗?!好紧张啊 不能理了啦!不管三七二十一……我接了那通电话!心想:到底是谁啊? 他:请问是X萍吗?这里是onefm,还记得你有参加过“我要唱k”游戏单元吗? 我:(傻了!停顿了几秒)对啊!心想:我完全忘记我有参加过的一回事了!真的! 因为我是在上个星期参赛的!完全忘了! 他:如果我告诉你,你是被抽中其中一位幸运儿,……! 我:真的吗?(我开始语无伦次了!好糗啊!) 他:是啊!这个星期六 21/8/10 晚上6到8点在Sunway Pyramid戴同你3位朋友一起狂欢哦! 我:嗯!(说不出话了啦) 他:还有你必须在530至545pm前来报到啊! 我:好的!(太兴奋了啦) 他:你知道可以带多少位朋友吗?(我想他是考我吧!哈哈!因为他觉得我太兴奋了) 我:是4位!哈哈哈哈!(一时太兴奋说快了!其实是带3位加我总共4位!) 他:4位包括你,是3位哦加了你后才4位!你是100%出席的吗?我想确定一下…… 我:我知道。对!我一定会出席的!(我那可能会不出席呢?我超爱唱k的咧) 他:肯定?好的!因为……要是你不能出席我们会把这个机会让给另一位! 我:我一定会在530那段时间报到的!(傻咩?我哪有可能不去啊?除非我考试?有急事?) 他:好。谢谢。拜拜! 我:拜拜! 超high的!我真的万万没想到……我是那5位幸运儿的其中一位啊! 我真的完全忘记我有参加过这个游戏单元!因为心想:很难被抽中的。所以我都不什么留意! 我真的赢了! 第二次了!在onefm的游戏单元!onefm,爱死你了啦! 超期待那天的到来!真的很high! 第一时间就想到她们这5位38婆了!哈哈哈哈!想和她们分享我的喜悦! 但是最后还是选择给他们惊喜。 可是呢?唯有可莉姐玩不到她!可惜啊!哈哈 Message from nin~"dun tell me u kena toto arr?" message from chloe~"onefm de? Lolz" message from jen~"won wat?" message from winni~"you so lucky wan" message from yiing~"wah! so geng!" hahahahahaha! funny! (^^)

Wednesday, August 18

Result for PT1

PT1 @ 3,4,6th AUG but all the marks were just given by lecturers last 2 day. PT1.. my first exam/test for my this semester (not the real/final exam from UK la) it's quite important too although just a 'SMALL' exam.. Conclusion for my PT1's result was quite disappointing for me.. i'm really unhappy n unsatisfied with my marks.. i admit that didn't do well in this exam.. (because of careless..skip topics..wrong calculation..etc) == one thing is for sure'- i won't score good marks.. When the moment that get my result, I was really unacceptable.. *broken heart* sob T8 Audit paper such a challenging n difficult paper among other paperssss many of my classmates already transferred to another paper.. BECAUSE it's really difficult! I didn't get good marks.. FAIL.. damn sad.. None of words can describe how unhappy n disappointed I were.. *I thought that I can score it.. PASS.. but it didn't happen* no mood for focusing the lessons on that moment.. hesitate.. whether want to transfer to T10 or not? I came into a T-Junction.. I don't know how to make choice.. but i really like auditing.. I DON'T WANT LEAVE.. (not because of nin or face.. I just scared I can't pass in the final) p/s: It's not an easy paper.. last semester's T8 paper was damn difficult! I didn't lie.. It's truth! From lecturer's info, it'll be a BAD result for last sem candidatess. Many candidates not confident with their papers.. damn tough! so this is what I worried about.. hesitate la.. make choice between T8 and T10 If want to transfer to T10,need to wait on/after 23/8 because.. 23/8 will be RESULTS RELEASE DAY for last SEMESTER! Oh my god.! My results for last semester..! T3,T4,T5,T6 23/8 it is a MONDAY! There will be a 'crowded day' @ CLC n library! lol because.. online checking results.. lolx AFTER 23/8, it'll be the PT2! (@ 1-6 Sept) 2nd exam for this semester! damn fast, right? time goes so fast..! Add oil n gambateh for my next exam ba! Friends,+u together! (^^)

Sunday, August 15

Black sunday

15/8/2010 Sunday Black sunday = raining sunday. lol XD Raining is the best day for sleeping! wahahaha! Consequently,the people like me will become PIG! ^^ Such a boring sunday noon.. sigh~ "do nonsense better than do nothing" lol XD sometime SPIRIT has a strong influence to do something! it's truth.. want to study but don't have the spirit..damn! but still keep going.. Audit..Taxation..Management.. Audit paper.. waiting for the result.. hope tomorrow won't make me disappointed.. Back to my story today.. Dinner with family @ Kepong @ Vegetarian restaurant. lol I like that restaurant so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh XD because of.. the ENVIRONMENT! *I should promote to them 38geng hahaha* Cheras Vegetarian restaurant also very nice! XD Took picture before eating~ Mom said me~ "Always like to take photo on food/drinks.. 不怪的吃到这样肥" walao A! really get BOOM! @@ Ha-ha it's okay la.. I'm abnormal people! XD P/s~ when look back my photo on food,I will feel hungry wahaha! 好好吃哦! (^^) After dinner, daddy went to buy Spirulina(蓝藻) @ kepong also.. I call it as "GREEN BEAN" lol then the salesgirl promote MASK product for us! After that.. my sister n I have STRONG DESIRE for buying!!! a few minutes.. daddy suddenly said "一人买两片啦" wow! shocked,man! THANKS,daddy! *Damn happy la* Such a long time didn't use mask already.. because no $$$ lol! ~happy day~ My dinner & sister's dinner~

Saturday, August 14

JICS and me

13/8/2010 Friday Dinner with my friends FRIENDs GATHERING *such a long time didn't show myself with them. I still remember.. there was a gathering @ sunway pyramid but I didn't go.. due to some reasons. * hesitate.. whether go or not because that night's whether was damn bad! finally.. I went... 730pm @ Old town manjalara actually it was a dinner there but I just had a drink ONLY! A cup of cold white coffee.. BECAUSE my gugu lo! gave me 4 pieces PIZZAsssss + tong shui == damn it! How I know?!, man.. I knew after I went out from house (received message from sister) finally I didn't eat there.. sob sob Reached there around 725 then I stayed in my car due to raining outside! damn heavy, u know?! and! I parked my car at a far far away.. parking lot! no parking! always like that.. so how?? like this lo. It's fine.. 735pm went down from my car.. still raining.. so I became "weak soup chicken" when reached Old Town.. sob sob so cold,man.. met hooi may when went into old town.. foong yein & chooi wei reached there already.. after that, we made an order.. then they ate (I drunk) & waiting for ching huey.. A few minutes like that, she reached.. chit-chat.. wow! They were so grand but I just wore CASUAL haha. see.. i'm so bad! haha nevermind.. I like casual hehe Hooi may- studying bachelor in business n marketing @ Help college she still looks so pretty & white and just dyed her hair blonde.. she said "I'm enjoying in my college life" *glad for you* I also! hmm.. she have put in weight (but I'm fatter than her la) Foong yein- studying Fashion marketing n management @ Raffles college she had studied almost 1 year in Raffles college & next year she'll go to Australia to proceed her DEGREE (1 year) (wow! It's so amazing! can go to oversea! envy la) Chooi wei- studying same course with me (CAT) but she's @ KASTURI she also have put in weight o! I had a chit-chat with her about our course. so we chat the most among each other.. Ching huey- studying Multimedia design @ Tarc she was so rush due to her assignment.. Her college life was full of assignment as she said. Around 915pm, it's time for going back home (for me) because 7th lunar! scared scared la! haha Then we took some pictures before leaving.. Before that, they gave the birthday presents.. BUT I didn't prepare.. I was so pai sei when received her present.. (last year birthday present) Don't know why.. I had a weird feeling.. Anyway.. Thank you. Hooi may.. Thanks too! Your present for each of us. I get the yellow small purse. I like it. Really thanks. *I knew that they will give b'day present but I still didn't prepare. Sorry.* *I saw munyi @ old town manjalara! wow! she went with her friends! I'm so excited when met her wave my hand with her. hahaha! gila betul* (Malaysia damn small la haha) Reached home @ 950pm my pizzasssssss! Damn Bigggggggggggggggggggggggg Although I didn't eat anything n just had a drink as my dinner, but I still felt that my stomach was full already.. how? how? how? 3 words called DIE! x_x finally finished it.. damn full! *actually still remained a small piece but I threw sorry la, god! I really can't eat anymore!* 1130pm went to bed.. but my stomach still WORKING! sigh~ CAN'T sleep??!!! help! because too full AND the cup of white coffee! I regret.. really.. Around 2/3am I baru slept.. sigh~ *actually I went to toilet b4 sleep la XD* *Already uploaded & check it out another 7pcs @ my facebook*

Friday, August 13


虽然 这组英文字是个熟悉的词 但现在对我而言 它已经是个"陌生人"了.. 或许我真的不属于他们吧 或许我和他们的感情已经来到纯粹朋友的阶段 或许我们再也不能像以前那样了 或许大家已经变了 谁能知道呢? 离开他们是我的决定.. 选择另一个他们也是我的决定.. 希望我没选错决定... *你们,不会不要我这个Piang gor吧?希望能和你们38到永远* 爱你们的piang gor XD 他们.. 将会慢慢把我给遗忘.. 没关系 只希望大家都开开心心 那件事已经过去了 我放下了 (我真的放了吗?) 你呢? 我不知道 和你们的聚会..做决定的当儿我真的犹豫了几下 但是我还是答应了 (这代表我放下了吧?) 犹豫什么? 担心什么? 我的出现会不会很好笑? 我不想我的出现带给大家奇怪的气氛 我不想我有那种尴尬的感觉 纯粹只想见见大家 (当这是普通朋友的聚会) 看到了那对话,突然间有种想要放飞机的感觉 因为你们的谈话让我感觉到今晚我不应该出席 不想把气氛给搞砸了 想多一层还是去吧 答应了别人就一定要做到 不想成为别人的影子(放飞机) 还有咧 现在是农历7月 有点怕怕咧 晚上外出当然会有点怕怕 哈哈 希望今晚的出现不会有种尴尬的感觉

Thursday, August 12


PT1 was over almost 1 week.. but.. PT2 will be coming soon @ 2 September! damn fast,right? Although exam's over.. almost one week.. but some of my results still haven't get..Align Center worried about my audit paper T8.. audit paper T8 is a killer paper in CAT course.. but CAT will not longer exist as we know.. really! audit paper.. Last semester.. June'2010 T8 was the most difficult paper among the other paperssss! From my T8 lecturer's infor.. there'll be a lot of students will re-sit back this paper! some of them even cried after sitting the exam.. some of them even... it's so scary,man.. 23rd August.. Results will out! It's so near around the corner! my results for last 4 papers that I took.. also will get know! scared @@ haha T8 for my PT1.. hope can pass! *most of my classmates failed in this paper* scared scared.. When can i know my marks? %? %?

Saturday, August 7

Tasty Pot

6/8/2010 Friday It's over.. over.. over..! Bye-bye,exam! Exam was ended @ 11.45am! but there'll be a tutorial class @ 230pm.. Lazy..lazy..lazy.. Don't want class la,miss.. sob sob but it's okay la (actually not so okay lol) becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee we had a steamboat @ Tasty Pot at night! Yeah After exam, then we walked to sunway pyramid enjoying our LUNCH @ Mcdonald waiting for 1200pm..! it's a lunch mcd set @ RM5.95+ when the time was almost 1200.. it's bit crowded! wow! We met our classmatesssss.. all came here for mcdonald lunch set! it's damn funny! 130pm we took shuttle bus back to school.. 230pm started our tutorial class- auditing! it's damn boring.. all of us had no mood to study la.. someone n someone were missing.. hohoho.. Papers haven't finish marking yet... so can't know any results.. still in progress.. yeah! 445pm class was ended! Lecturer ended the class earlier! thanks,miss! we like you! hahaha! 530pm drove to TASTY POT~ 6pm started our steamboat.. yeah! (^^) It's the 1st time I went to TASTY POT! *eveytime I drove back home after class, the tasty pot always full with people!* It's truth! no lie! it's so popular for that area! must have a try ya! Yeah! chit-chat.. eating.. had a nice day with them although just FOUR of us! The special stuffs were.. BBQ Prawns.. BBQ Crabs.. (heard from friends) but that day just got BBQ Prawns.. BBQ fish.. BBQ taofu fish.. sound good, right? MUST HAVE A TRY! Price for a person- Adult RM 26.80 & Child RM 13.80 (NO TAX) *If just only two of you, BETTER don't go! because they will charge you RM 40 per pax!* Around 9pm we finished our steamboat.. Our bill was RM 115.40 (4pax+Chinese Tea+Tissues) RM 28.85 each. ..End..

Pangkor camp'08

5/8/2010 Thursday It's an off day! no outgoing! just stay @ home for revision.. Exam still haven't over yet! Friday will be last paper! Revision.. Facebook.. TV & OneFm.. hahahaha I found back my photo! but... just the one's album... (sigh~) I felt so happy! because I found back the PANGKOR CAMP photossss! in my exxxxxxxxxxx-blog! "Still remember I get lost my Ex-camera ? and then all my photos were saved in pendrive but pendrive was BURST!..." I damn unhappy... sob Ex-camera canon camera.. my 1st camera missing by myself @ agriculture park due to my carelessness.. It was the 1st camera that I bought with my own money & shared with sister! I make LOST! all gone... all gone... it's okay... everything's okay... I know just photos only.. finally... I found back that PANGKOR CAMP's photoss! It's such a happy & excited things for me! yohoo(^^) Had an unforgettable dayssss @ pangkor island! Kayak.. snorkeling.. jungle trekking.. A unforgettable scene~~ was... the time @ "roller coaster's van"! still remember?? such a scary but exciting journey @ the van on the way to our chalet~

Wednesday, August 4

Tian Yian Cafe

1/8/2010 Sunday *It was a late post due to my exam last few days* Had a nice and happy dinner with my family! woohoo! It's such a long time didn't go there. but finally it's happened! Mommy as a LADY BOSS that night! Yiing,I went Cheras! That's vegetarian restaurant! but can't visit you due to insufficient of time. sob That restaurant called Tian Yian Cafe! (^^) Such a nice name, right? hehe (^^) I think you all don't know what am I talking about... but it got 8TV Ho chak endorsed oo! also... it's a popular place among the vegetarians! Really! I like this restaurant so mucccccccccc! Its service is excellent and also its environment is well air conditioned! Although it's a vegetarian restaurant, but it looks like a normal restaurant "real meat food"! haha it's really! Reached there @ 7pm (almost take half an hour from my house) It's located at Cheras just behind the Ue3. After parked the car, then we quickly went into the restaurant! Wow! so crowded! Took an order...waited for food...enjoyed our meals... I like the rendang pizza so muccc! Its so spicy and delicious! And my mocktail~~~ its so great! muackz!